Accepting payments through Saved card / Bank account from within email (One click payment buttons)

Accepting payments through Saved card / Bank account from within email (One click payment buttons)

Accepting payments through Saved card / Bank account from within email

The below PPT provides an overview of how ” One Click Payment Buttons ” improves cashflows and provides a better customer experience.

40% of the time payments are delayed not because the customer didn’t intend to pay but because the steps needed to be taken to initiate the payment was cumbersome.

The more cumbersome the process to pay you , the less likely a customer will pay on time .

Some of the ways of reducing the steps to make a payment are as below

  1. Use a medium that the customer uses in his/her day to day life to remind him about the payment ( For eg: Email)
  2. Provide the option to initiate the payment right alongside the reminder email itself
  3. Provide the option to Save Card Details / Bank Details for reuse
  4. One click payment option using the above Saved Card / Bank Account number when the customer pays the next time.

Are you in your business making it harder for your customers to pay you ? Talk to us [email protected] to know how PayorCRM has helped thousands of businesses improve their cash-flows with a simple change in the way they manage payment follow-ups.


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